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문화기술대학원 특별세미나[11.29

작성자 관리자 작성일 2006.11.29 조회수21820

일시: 11월 29일 (수) 오후3시 30분

장소: 문화기술대학원 CT Hall (대학3호관(N8) 3229호)

연사: Richard Dudas (컴퓨터 음악 작곡가)

주제: Musical applications of Signal Processing using Max/MSP

요약:Presenting several aspects of signal processing applications

as they relate to use in live interactive musical compositions. We will

listen to the (short) compositions and then take an in-depth look at the

signal processing techniques used to realize them.

연사 이력:

Richard Dudas

Richard Dudas holds degrees in Music Composition from The Peabody

Conservatory of Music of the Johns Hopkins University and from The

University of California, Berkeley. In addition to writing music for

acoustic instruments, he has been actively invloved with computer music

since the late 1980s. From 1996 to 1998 he taught computer music courses

at the musical research center IRCAM in Paris, France, and since 1999 has

been working for Cycling "74, Inc., developing the musical software

programming environment, Max/MSP. In the Spring of 2002 he was a visiting

lecturer in computer music at The State University of New York at Buffalo,

and has been a regular lecturer at the "Max/MSP Nightschool" summer

workshops in Berkeley, California, and at the Fourm Neues Musiktheater

Max/MSP/Jitter workshops in Stuttgart, Germany. He currently resides in

Colorado in the United States.

Irene Eunyoung Lee  Researcher/Ph.D. Candidate

Storytelling & Cognition Lab/ KAIST Graduate School of Culture Technology

373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu Daejeon 305-701 Korea

Tel: (+8242) 869-2953  F: (+8242)869-2910  Cell: (+8211)9861-1965

Email: irenelee@kaist.ac.kr
