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해외석학 초청 특별강연[2.14]

작성자 관리자 작성일 2007.03.01 조회수27926

나노복합소재분야에서 전 세계적으로 선도적인 연구를 수행하고 있는
Northwestern대 Rod Ruoff 교수를 초청하여 특별 강연회를 개최하오니
많은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.
=   아     래   =

    1. 일  시 : 2007. 2. 12(월) 16 : 00 - 17 : 00

    2. 장  소 : KAIST 창의학습관 102호실 (건물번호 E-11)

    3. 주  제 : Fracture Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes and
                   The Advent of Graphene-based Materials
    4. 연  사 : Prof. Rod Ruoff
             (Northwestern Univ., Department of Mechanical Engineering)

    5. 내  용 :
I provide a brief update on experimental fracture mechanics of carbon nanotubes, specifically SWCNTs of known diameter and chirality. I then turn to discussing a new class of materials, the graphene-based materials. Our top-down approaches inspired physicists to study individual layers of graphite, but our current approach has been to convert graphite to graphite oxide (GO), generate colloidal suspensions of individual layers of GO (we call them ‘graphene oxide’) in water, and to use these individual layers in a variety of ways. For example, we have embedded individual and reduced "graphene oxide" sheets in polymers such as polystyrene and evaluated their dispersion, sheet morphology, and the electrical percolation and conductivity of the resulting composites. In parallel paths, we have: (i) undertaken studies of individual graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide sheets, to elucidate their optical and electrical properties, (ii) embedded graphene oxide sheets in glass by a sol-gel route and made electrically conductive and transparent glass coatings, and (iii) produced "graphene oxide paper", a material with intriguing  mechanical properties.

    6. 주  최 : KAIST 화학과, 나노과학기술연구소
    7. 참가비 : 없음
    8. 문의처 : 화학과 최인성 교수 (042-869-2840 / 016-364-2840)
                    나노과학기술연구소 이상건 (042-869-8801)

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