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ID KAIST Catch the Future 2008

작성자 관리자 작성일 2008.03.05 조회수23379

ID KAIST Catch the Future 2008
<Emerging Design Research Seminars with invited international specialists>

Seminar 01

Title: Co-creation and the new landscapes of design
by Pieter Jan Stappers, Delft University, The Netherlands

When: 6 March  10:00 am
Where: KAIST Creative Learning Center #101


Pieter Jan Stappers

Professor at the department of Design Techniques, Industrial Design Engineering (Delft, NL)

Ph.D. at the School of Industrial Design, Delft University of Technology
M.S. in Experimental Physics & Informatics, Radboud University Nijmegen

2001- present: Chair Design Techniques, section head (ID/DCC, ID/DTT)
2002- present: Coordinator Master Programme Design for Interaction
2000- present: Director, ID-StudioLab (unofficial)
1998- present: Member Management Team- Department of Industrial Design
2001- present: Program leader subprogramme MTT-2
2001- 2005: Member CWB (scientific advisory committee) of Industrial Design Engineering