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33rd International Symposium on Forecasting

작성자 관리자 작성일 2012.11.26 조회수20080

33rd International Symposium on ForecastingForecasting with Big Data
23-26 June 2013 Seoul, Korea
KAIST College of Business


Roy Batchelor
Cass Business School, London

James Hamilton
University of California, San Diego

Philip Hans Franses
Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Rob Hyndman
Monash University

Makoto Abe
The University of Tokyo

Inseong Song
Seoul National University

For more information on our speakers, visit our website

The International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) is the annual conference of the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF) and the premier international event for professional forecasters.  Over the past 32 years, the ISFs have been recognized for the important forecasting research presented there, and for having hosted highly respected experts in the field of forecasting, including many Nobel laureates.

The ISF Program Committee invites the submission of abstracts related to the theory and practice of forecasting. The 1deadline for abstract submissions is 16 March 2013. To submit an abstract,  click here.

Register Now for Early Registration Savings! Become and IIF member or Foresight subscriber (or renew your current membership) and save on ISF registration.

The ISF offers a series of workshops on Sunday, 23 June.  These are 1/2 and full day sessions focusing on in-depth themes relating to forecasting.

VENUE and Accommodations
Venue - The symposium will be held at the KAIST College of Business
Hotels - Special room rates for ISF delegates have been negotiated at a wide range of hotels.
For more information about the venue, Seoul and hotel rooms, click here.

* Sunday, 23 June: Welcome Reception at KAIST College of Business in the Atrium.
* Tuesday, 25 June:  Gala Event will be held at the Myongwolgwan Restaurant (Annex to Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel).  The gala includes dinner, drinks and entertainment.
* Lunch and coffee breaks are offered Monday - Wednesday.

Contact Us
Duk Bin Jun, General Chair
Robert Fildes, Program Chair
Haiyan Song, Program Co-Chair
Pam Stroud, IIF Business Director

Forecasting with Big Data

Our chosen theme this year is Forecasting with Big Data. Big data is certainly a hot area - the proliferation of data is probably the major change we"ve seen in the forecasting landscape for quite some while. This theme aims to encourage at least some of the potential speakers to pick up ideas stimulated by the topic. Big Data provides us with a whole set of new possibilities to develop new methods and models as well approaches that deliver better forecasts.