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NOVIC 정기세미나 안내 <5월 14일, 화요일>

작성자 관리자 작성일 2013.05.02 조회수20359


NOVIC 정기세미나 안내 <5월 14일, 화요일>



아래와 같이 기계공학과 NOVIC Center에서 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.


일시: 5월 14일(화), 오전 11시~

장소: W3세미나실(4102호)

연사: Prof. 정 철호(Cheol-Ho Jeong)



September 2011 – Present

Associate professor, Acoustic Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, DTU.

September 2011 – Present

Adjunct associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST.

October 2007 – September 2011

Assistant professor, Acoustic Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, DTU.

March 2002 – August 2007         

Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST.



March 2000 - February 2002

M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST.

March 1996 - February 2000

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST



Effect of reflection phase shift on sound pressure and reverberation time in rooms



In most room acoustic predictions, phase shifts on reflection have generally been overlooked, mainly because they are difficult to estimate. This study aims at quantifying how the reflection phase shift affects room acoustic conditions, e.g., sound pressures and reverberation times in enclosures. As an incipient attempt, an empty rectangular room with uniform absorption treatment but varying reflection phase shift is simulated by a boundary element and phased beam tracing model. Four absorption groups ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 at intervals of 0.2 are investigated. Since zero phase shift on reflection has commonly been assumed in practice, this condition is regarded as reference. Then differences in the calculated transfer functions, differences in the A-weighted overall sound pressure levels, and differences in the reverberation times are quantified. As expected, the larger the reflection phase shift, the larger the differences. The phased beam tracing is further used for simulating binaural impulse responses in a large rectangular room, which are used mainly for reverberance analyses. A listening test reveals that the zero reflection phase shift condition is statistically significantly different from non-zero reflection phase shift cases in terms of reverberance. 





NOVIC 연구센터 박 연 선

전화: 042-350-8211 / Fax : 042-350-8220

이메일 : novic@kaist.ac.kr