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Vacancy Announcement for Fixed-Term Position from KAIST [Department of Physics]

작성자 전***자 조회수6438



KAIST 물리학과 입자물리이론

연구실 연수연구원(Post-Doc) 모집





1. 모집 분야 및 직무

직 종




직 무






- 중성미자 진동물리 연구 수행

총 원



적격자 부재 시 선발인원이 없을 수 있음

채용과정에서 변동 발생 시 응시자에게 별도 통보함


2. 응시자격 및 우대사항




공 통

    ∘ 국가공무원법 제33조의 결격사유가 없는 자

    ∘ 국가유공자 등 예우 및 지원에 관한 법률 등에 따른 취업지원 대상자(가점 부여)

    ∘ 지역인재, 장애인, 청년인턴 수료자, 직무 관련 전문자격증 소지자 우대

해당 분야 기재

입자이론 물리 박사학위 소지자

과학기술원의 연구활동에 기여할 수 있는 자

KAIST 연수연구원 운용 지침 적용

- 영어능통자

- 중성미자 진동물리 전문가


3. 응시방법 및 기간


     지정 양식 작성하여 우편 또는 이메일로 제출

    ∘ 이메일 : jshon@kaist.ac.kr

    ∘ 우 편 : 대전시 유성구 대학로 291 물리학과


2019812일부터 201982818시까지 도착(수신) 분에 한함


4. 채용 절차

전형 구분


일 정



 응시원서 및 자기소개서 서면 평가


최대 3배수 선발




1배수 선발

임 용

임용서류 작성 및 제출 등



기관 내부 사정에 따라 절차 및 일정이 일부 변동될 수 있으며, 변동 발생 시 응시자에게 별도 통보


5. 근로계약 정보

구 분







     전일제 (5, 0918)


20191001~ 20200331일까지 (6개월)

(참여 과제 또는 사업 조기종료 시 계약기간이 단축될 수 있음)

급 여


기타 사항은 관련 규정 및 법령에 따름


6. 블라인드 채용 안내 (아래 금지 사항 기재시 감점 처리될 수 있음)


- 입사지원서 상 사진등록란, 학교명, 평점평균, 생년월일 기재란 없음

- 학교명이 드러나는 이메일 주소 등 편견을 유발할 수 있는 사항 기재 금지

- 지원서(자기소개서 포함) 작성 시 개인 인적사항(출신학교, 가족관계 등) 편견을 유발할 수 있는 사항 일체 기재 금지


7. 기타 안내

- 응시서류(원본) 반환청구기간: 접수마감일로부터 14

- 채용비리로 인한 피해자 구제 연락처: KAIST 인사팀(insa@kaist.ac.kr)

- 친인척 합격자 공개: 지원자의 4촌 이내 친족(배우자, 4촌 이내의 혈족과 인척)이 카이스트 재직 임직원인 경우 친인척 채용인원 수를 홈페이지에 공개함(최종합격자는 임용서류에 친인척 내용 기재)

- 비위면직자 등은 공공기관에의 취업이 제한됨에 따라 모든 지원자는 비위면직자 등 취업제한 관련 체크리스트(소정양식)에 해당되는 문항을 체크하여 제출해야 함(근거: 부패방지 및 국민권익위원회의 설치와 운영에 관한 법률 제82).

- 첨부: 직무기술서, 응시원서 및 자기소개서, 비위면직자 등 취업제한 관련 체크리스트


8. 관련 문의: 물리학과 손지애 042-350-7357 / jshon@kaist.ac.kr










Vacancy Announcement for


Fixed-Term Position from 


KAIST [Department of Physics]




1. Job Type & Responsibility

Job type


Career level

No. of persons recruited


Research Position



1 person

- Performing Neutrino Oscillation Physics research

Total number of persons to be recruited

1 person


In the absence of suitable candidates, nobody can be selected.

Applicants will be notified of any changes occurring during the recruitment process individually.


2. Eligibility and Preference





   ∘ Those who do not have reasons for disqualification under Article 33 of the State Public Officials Act*

    ∘ Those who are eligible for employment support under the Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Services to the State (additional points to be added)

    ∘ Local talent, disabled person, those who have completed the youth internship program or job-related professional certificate holders are preferred

List applicable areas

Those who have a Ph.D in Theoretical Particle Physics


- Fluent English Speakers

- Expert in Neutrino Oscillation Physics

- Those who have published decent works in the Neutrino Oscillation Physics


None of the following persons shall be appointed as a public official:

1. An incompetent person under the adult guardianship or under the limited guardianship;

2. A person who was declared bankrupt and has not yet been reinstated;

3. A person in whose case five years have not passed since his/her imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment as declared by a court was completely executed or exempted;

4. A person who was sentenced by the suspension of the execution of imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment and for whom two years have not passed since the period of suspension expired;

5. A person who is under a suspended sentence of imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment as declared by a court;

6. A person who is disqualified, or whose qualification is suspended, pursuant to a judgment of the court or other Acts;

6-2. A person who committed a crime prescribed in Article 355 or 356 of the Criminal Act with regard to his/her duty during the period of service as public official and was sentenced to a fine of at least three million won and in whose case two years have not yet passed since the ruling on such sentence became final;

6-3. A person who committed a crime prescribed in Article 303 of the Criminal Act or Article 10 of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes and was sentenced to a fine of at least three million won and in whose case two years have not yet passed since the ruling on such sentence became final;

7. A person who was removed from office by a disciplinary action, and for whom five years have not passed thereafter;

8. A person who was dismissed by a disciplinary action, and for whom three years have not passed thereafter.


3. Application Method & Period

How to apply   

    Fill out the prescribed application form and submit it via e-mail or post.

    ∘ E-mail : jshon@kaist.ac.kr

    ∘ Postal address : Physics Dep., 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon

Application period

Only applications that arrived between 12 Aug, 2019 and 28 Aug, 2019, 18:00 are valid.


4. Employment Procedure

Type of screening



No. of candidates to be selected

Document screening

Screening of the Application Form and the Self Introduction

30 Aug, 2019


Within 3 times the number of persons to be recruited



10 Sep, 2019


1 time the number of person to be recruited


Completion/submission of documents required for appointment

01 Oct, 2019




Procedure and schedule are subject to change depending on internal circumstances of the university; applicants will be notified of any changes individually.


5. Employment Contract Information



Employment type



    Physics Department

Work pattern

     Full-time (5 days a week, 09:00 to 18:00)

Contract terms

01 Oct, 2019 ~ 31 Mar, 2020 (6 month)

(Contract term may be shortened in the event of early termination of the relevant project or business.)

Other matters shall follow the relevant regulations and laws.


6. Guidelines on Blind Hiring

(Entering the prohibited data mentioned below may lead to deduction of points.)

- The Application Form does not have sections requesting photo, the name of school applicants attended, GPA and date of birth.

- Entry of information that could lead to bias such as the e-mail address of the school applicants attended is prohibited.

- Inclusion of personal information such as the name of schools applicants attended and family relationship, etc. in the Application Form (including The Self Introduction) is prohibited because it may lead to bias.


7. Miscellaneous Matters

- Period for request for return of application documents (original): 14 days from the application deadline

- Contact for victim of unfair employment : KAIST Human Resources Management Team (insa@kaist.ac.kr)

- Disclosure of successful applicants of relatives of KAIST employees : Disclosure of the number of successful applicants who are relatives within 4th degree of relationship (spouse, first cousins, any blood relatives) of KAIST executive or employee on the university website (Only for the successful applicants are required to state whether they are relatives of KAIST executive or employee in the documents for appointment.)

- In relation to restrictions on public institutions employment of public officials who have been dismissed for corruption, all applicants should check applicable items of the Checklist for Restrictions on Employment of Public Officials Dismissed for Corruption (prescribed form) and submit it in accordance with the Restrictions on Employment of Public Officials Dismissed for Corruption.

- Required documents : Job Description Form, Application Form and the Self Introduction, and Checklist for Restriction on Employment of Public Officials Dismissed for Corruption


8. Inquiry: Physics Dep. Jeeae Shon, 042-350-7357 / jshon@kaist.ac.kr